Saturday, May 28, 2011
Mother Nature Goes to Court
Apparently six Italian seismologists and a government official are being sued for not accurately predicting the 2006 L'Aquila earthquake. My brain is getting rattled from shaking my head so hard!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Rapture is Postponed!!

"Reflecting on scripture afterward, Camping said it "dawned" on him that a "merciful and compassionate God" would spare humanity from "hell on Earth for five months" by compressing the physical apocalypse into a shorter time frame."
Looks like we have a reprieve...October 21st is the new date of the last day. Five more months, to get your checks mailed.....
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Extinction of Wedding Gift Etiquette

It is that wedding time of year again...and this is for all you brides and grooms to be.
It is amazing to me that couples spend months and even years planning for their big day. As soon as the engagement is announced; friends, relatives and acquaintances are inundated with "save the date" announcements, shower invitations, and finally the wedding invitation (they may or may not make the cut for the reception). All of these scream "You have to get me a present!" Every bridal magazine spells out the rules: who pays for what, the time line, and YES thank you notes. The stationary usually is coordinated with the invitations and reply cards. Does the couple just decide up front that they can save some money if they don't buy the thank you notes or do they have boxes of them and just wonder what they are for?
We were invited to a wedding last Spring. I spent quite a bit of time, energy and money picking out something that they would hopefully like, wrapped it and mailed it. Fortunately I paid extra for a delivery confirmation because that is the only way that I know they actually received it. (I had a premonition.) I suggest that everyone that mails gifts be sure to get the confirmation. Otherwise you wonder: Did it get lost in the mail? Do they think I stiffed them on their wedding present? And most importantly you don't have to call to see if they got it thus avoiding the awkwardness of the implication that the happy couple has no manners.
Mailing gifts with confirmation may be the best way to go even if you attend the big event. We went to two wedding a few years ago. For both we brought their gifts to the reception and placed them on the overflowing gift table. Again, no thank you notes...we wondered it someone stole some of the presents. To this day I don't know....
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Today is the END
I guess I have approximately 6 hours until the "Rapture" occurs here in my time zone. I probably should have called in sick to work.....see you on the other side...maybe..
Friday, May 20, 2011
What's the Matter with Kids Today?

The problem with children is that you have to put up with their parents. ~Charles DeLint
One case in point:
We went to the movies the other day to see that Disney documentary, "Big Cats". (It was ok in a "should have waited for the dvd" kind of way) Anyway, there was a couple with 2 small girls sitting down in front. They (the kids) started acting up during the previews, and kept at it through the entire movie.
They ran around the theater, climbed over seats, ran out screaming (and unfortunately returned). One of them started hitting a man on the aisle with a handful of straws. (Why would you even take a handful of straws and give them to your child? You get to have one with a drink that you buy...otherwise it is pretty much stealing...good example to set mom and dad of the unruly children) Mom would sporadically corral them up..which of coarse brought on more screeching, and Dad was completely oblivious and too busy eating his popcorn to even notice.
The theater wasn't full, but those of us who were there pretty much just sat in shock. I for one wanted to say something...but what? Should I have gone out to management and complained? It wasn't their fault. Should I have confronted the parents? I honestly don't think they would have gotten it. After all, they were allowing it to happen with total disregard and disrespect for anyone else. And I am almost positive that they would have been very indignant if someone criticized their lovely children. Which brings me to my really wasn't the kids fault...they didn't know any better. The parents need to wake up and take some responsibility.
So, my question is this: How often do you confront people when they are doing something rude? I wimped out...THIS time.
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