I just got back from a trip to Kenya, my once in a lifetime trip, that I have been dreaming of since I was a little girl. We scrimped and saved and finally went on safari. The air fare alone was around $2200 USD a person for economy!
Our flights to Nairobi were nice and uneventful...even got some sleep. Returning was another story though.
Leg one: Nairobi to London.
Our seats were in a mid section of around 50
seats. In these seats there were 14 children under 6 years old. And a bunch more under 12, but they weren't usually the problem. (Unless they were fighting with each other) Now I am pretty patient with babies that cry because their ears hurt, and well....they are babies. This was pandemonium for 8 1/2 long hours. Kids were screaming non stop (not all crying, just screaming), climbing over seats, running around, standing on the trays, throwing food, kicking seats, and anything else they could think of. All this time, the parents sat idly and ignored them. Finally after about 4 hours) a teenage boy who was directly in front of one of the worst groups turned around and told them to shut up and quit kicking his seat back. The mother of the unruly actually got mad at him and told him not to tell her kids what to do! A flight attendant was called and she had to discipline this woman's children. They were quiet for about 10 minutes.
Leg two: London to Newark.
A respite. We did sit next to a family, but they all slept. I complimented the parents on how well behaved their kids were.
Leg three: Newark to Minneapolis.
Two rows in front of us were 2 little boys with their permissive parents. Replay Nairobi flight, except throw in a DVD player on at full blast because they didn't want to use headphones. After landing, the Daddy says, "Wasn't that a good flight?"
Leg four: Minneapolis to Salt Lake City.
Another replay...a large "Utah" family..5 kids under 8 years old, and I am assuming another on the way because the mother was vomiting the entire trip. More screeching, kicking, climbing, nonstop babbling (isn't that cute?) and for a new obnoxious twist give your kids empty water bottles and see how much noise they can make with them!
Once again...I do not blame the children...they don't know better..
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